Wednesday 14 October 2015

Battery Cavern Modeled, Environment and Camera Effect Testing

I have been modelling the different parts of the environmental scenes that need making, however, I have finally finished the cavern that will have the battery in it. Alongside this, the battery has been finished and has therefore been implemented into the scene. Here are some images of the different parts of the environment:

 An overview of the environment. The grass does not span round the entire area as not all of it will be seen.

The entrance to the scene. The characters will enter through this arch.

Character's entrance on the left, entrance to the cavern on the left.

View from the inside of the cavern, facing outwards.

The inside of the cavern. The entrance to the small room with the battery is on the right, and one of the lighting crystals is on the left (the crystal is subject to change).

Another shot of the crystal. The crystal is slightly transparent, and the glow has been reduced (it will be brighter when a character approaches it).

The battery room of the cavern. the battery is lodged in snow, and the roof has a hole to allow light to shine on it as well as for the antagonist to escape out of.

Another angle of the battery. This better shows the hole in the roof.

The shots demonstrated here are good, but they are not good enough, as they look rather bland. Therefore, I would like to apply camera effects and changes to the world cameras that the short film will be recorded through. Here is a list of shots taken with in-game cameras:

Here are the same shots, but with camera effects applied. No external editing software (Photoshop, after effects, Sony Vegas etc.) was used for making these images, and were all done in engine. Alongside this, a snow particle effect has been added.

To demonstrate how this scene will actually look within the film, I have recorded a 1 minute clip of what the scene will look like with the snow particle effects on. The grass in the background also uses a wind renderer to make it seem as though it is blowing in the wind.

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