Wednesday 21 October 2015

With the Box-bots having finished being textured, They needed a way for them to be identified separately. I tried many different ideas, but eventually settled on the idea of having them painted different colours, along with different eye colours. This is done in order to make them identifiable in both long shots and close up shots, especially if it shows only the eyes.

The base texture for the Box-bot. This provides the basis for all of the coloured bots.

The base Box-bot texture applied to the robot. As you can see, it appears colourless and bland.

The edited version of the basic texture to add a blue paintwork to some sections of the bodywork. This was done in Photoshop in order to allow me to create the different colours easier later.

The final product for the blue bot, who will be the main protagonist. note how his paint job only covers panels and crosses no faces - this is done because of the rust and scratches that exists there, making it unlikely that any paint would have survived.

The texture for the body of the orange bot. The paint job is identical, and only a hue change is used on the painted parts to keep the rust the correct colour.

The completed set of protagonists, each with different paint and eye colours. Their colours are chosen to be easily distinguishable from a distance, as well as to stand out from the background.

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